uploads/memento mori.jpg

memento mori 〔拉丁語〕死的警告,死的象征[骷髏等]。


Today , surrounded by promises of easy happiness , we need art to tell us , as religion once did , memento mori : remember that you will die , that everything ends , and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it 譯文今天,周圍到處都是輕易就能得到快樂的許諾,我們需要藝術來告訴我們死的象征意義,好比宗教曾經告訴我們的那樣:記住,你會死的,一切終有結束的時候,快樂不在于否認這一點,而在于要接受這一點。

Today , surrounded by promises of easy happiness , we need art to tell us , as religion once did , memento mori : remember that you will die , that everything ends , and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it 今天,周圍到處都是輕易就能得到快樂的許諾,我們需要藝術來告訴我們死的象征意義,好比宗教曾經告訴我們的那樣:記住,你會死的,一切終有結束的時候,快樂不在于否認這一點,而在于要接受這一點。

Cyberpunk adventure from makers of memento mori in classic point & click style using 2 . 5d engine with non - linear story and alternative storylines “電腦朋克”題材的冒險游戲,卡通渲染引擎、經典鼠標點擊操作方式、非線性劇情進程、開放式結局,由曾經制作《死兆》的小組操刀。

2003 , 11 min combines three stories with robotic monologues and subtitles to present a a wry memento mori on text 《文本主義》 (日本, 11分鐘)認為櫻桃樹下總有一條尸首,研究結果卻叫觀眾去想文本多過去想兇手是誰。